Posts Currently viewing the category: "Construction Jobs"

This may be the convergence of jobsite safety, security, and technology. A growing number of construction projects are using radio-frequency identification (RFID) cards to passively monitor everything from a worker’s jobsite activities, immigration status, and security credentials. “Being aware of what’s happening on-site allows managers to proactively avoid problems by having…(Read More)

Hiring managers may be busier than usual in the coming months, thanks to the U.S. State Department. Officials have admitted the controversial Keystone XL pipeline could pose substantial environmental problems but issued a draft environmental impact statement concluding there are no viable alternatives. According to, the fed’s conclusion preliminarily clears the…(Read More)

Green building in North America will continue to see strong growth throughout the coming year. That’s according to green building consultant Jerry Yudelson, who predicts that 2014 will also experience a growing focus on energy efficiency and zero-net-energy buildings.…(Read More)

“In terms of effectiveness, safe working conditions at construction jobsites are best achieved when the prime or general contractor assumes his rightful leadership role and takes primary responsibility to (a) establish, (b) coordinate, (c) monitor, and (d) generally manage the overall basic safety program content and structure for all parties and persons at his jobsite…(Read More)

What can be done on jobsites to reduce the likelihood of claims being filed against your company? A few of the common trends that result in disputes include labor or material shortages, unplanned disruptions, and architect-related delays. Joshua Johnson, a partner with Gentry, Locke, Rakes and Moore, a law firm that handles construction and…(Read More)

While you might think you are going to be lucky to find just about any job, you should never rush into any employment much less sign any contracts without really thinking things over first. It is easy to be tempted into signing up for the first job that comes your way, but what if there…(Read More)

Construction is an area where there is always a demand for fresh and dedicated employees and all around the world is a constant need for workers in construction because projects are created on a regular basis and they require construction employees to manage and execute them. In other words, it is a great business and…(Read More)

Construction jobs are a great opportunity for workers who like to work with hammers and nails because they not only provide a profitable environment, but also they give the workers a possibility to see what they have worked on for the past months or years. For example, the construction of a modern bridge or tunnel…(Read More)